Create a custom Order Management System
Your company processes orders, lots of them, and over the years you’ve created a great e-commerce and order processing machine which takes on new products, gets orders to customers quickly, handles returns and manages fraud. Highly competent operational and technical staff keep your order machine ticking over just nicely and you have a healthy share of your market.
But all is not entirely well. Growth brings its own issues and has exposed some of the weaknesses in your machine. Seasonal order surges and new campaigns can be slow to react to, and manual processing can become expensive and onerous – your order processing machine isn’t as elastic as you’d like it to be.
While your internal superstars seem to cope no matter what is thrown at them, you’ve all realised that investing in technology will bring back order, introduce much-needed efficiency into your order processing and help you become an ‘exception-only’ operation. Where do you start though? Your business has used lots of IT over the years and you don’t want to throw it all out and start again. You’ve looked online but you can’t find a simple tool which works for your organisation…
- your products are unusual with many SKUs and multiple custom variants, or are sourced from multiple suppliers with different formats or you’ve invested in a product database you just don’t want to throw out
- your customer data already sits in a CRM system used in another part of your business and you don’t want to start replicating information
- you like to do all your product pricing and price list configuration in spreadsheets and your existing OMS has a custom way of uploading and syncing which you are comfortable with
- you want to give your business customers a line of credit and you can’t find a system with flexible onboarding and account-based ordering processes
- you have existing supply chain, warehouse or branch systems which are all integrated into your existing OMS, and the thought of meddling with them is way too scary
- your e-commerce order capture sites are tightly integrated with your existing OMS and you’re worried that change will bring downtime, lost order revenue and unhappy customers
- you have an existing content management system which manages some of your product info and website content but doesn’t serve the business well anymore. You’re worried that migrating content to a new CMS will have a negative impact on organic search engine rankings.
- you’re suffering from some of these common order management problems.
Not only that, you want to move your processing to the cloud, and your existing IT systems are a mixture of home-grown or third party on-premise and hosted systems. How do you move forward?
Caseblocks can help you create your own cloud-based Order Management system, unique to your business:
- First, we’ll look at your orders and reconfigure the CaseBlocks base order templates to match. If you have different types of orders from consumers, business customers or different brands, we’ll make sure you have different templates for each. Templates contain layouts for the data in your orders, the status each order passes through, the service levels you want to apply at each stage of the process and the way different teams interact with order information.
- Next, we’ll look at your end-to-end process and help you configure work queues to reflect the different stages. The aim being to create a fully automated process and to ensure your staff have tools to deal with the exceptions such as stock, payment or risk issues.
- Hooking CaseBlocks into your order sources comes next. Drop calls to the CaseBlocks HTTP API into your existing websites, or we’ll create some custom scripts if orders come from on-premise, client-server applications. If you need help creating new order captures websites with or without existing content migrated, we can help you here too. We’ll help you work out the best CMS for your business if you need one.
- We’ll integrate CaseBlocks to your product database API so that new products and pricing are immediately available all during the order process in case any order needs to be changed, or we’ll provide our cloud-based product database and migrate your existing product data into it.
- If your order management solution requires integration to your supply chain, fulfilment and warehouse systems, CaseBlocks custom scripts will be created to call APIs, and if there aren’t any, we’ll find a way. If you want CaseBlocks to manage order package and supply chain re-ordering, we can do that too by configuring specific templates for these processes.
Forget waiting months or even years for a new solution to be implemented, create your custom order management system in CaseBlocks in a matter of weeks – sometimes we only need a few days! So, if you’re interested in trying CaseBlocks out for yourself then get in touch and one of our team will be happy to get you started.
Go on, tame your order management processes with CaseBlocks.